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SB 326, also known as, “The Balcony Bill”, is one of the most important laws added to the Davis Stirling Act. If your association has balconies, you can’t afford to miss this webinar.
We teamed up with Bradley Schuber, a senior associate with the Kriger Law Firm, and Craig Schlumbaum, the president and founder of Pacific Construction Analysts, to present a 60 -minute webinar passing along everything we know on the subject: “SENATE BILL 326 – THE BALCONY BILL”
Learn how these changes affect you and your community in this video webinar.
Joel Kriger from Kriger Law Firm covers changes in the law relating to solar panel placement and car charging stations.
Learn how these changes affect you and your community in this video webinar.
Mark Mazalewski from Pacific Green Landscape joined CBM to discuss water savings and new irrigation technology.
In this FB Live episode, Mark outlines the rebates available through irrigation system upgrades to your community or property & the timeline to see your return.
Robert Aguilar from Aztec Landscaping, Inc joined CBM, along with Derek Simpson from the Law Offices of Derek A. Simpson to discuss landscaping and arboricultural law.
In this LIVE stream we covered topics ranging:
Joel Kriger from the Kriger Law Firm returns to CBM to discuss new legal requirements for homeowner associations (HOAs) that went into effect this year.
He outlines new requirements for solar energy systems, adopting new homeowner associations (HOAs) rules and other requirements that relate to homeowner associations.
Bradley Schuber from Kriger Law Firm returns to the Castle Breckenridge Facebook Live stream to discuss legislative updates for common interest developments.
He outlines updates related to CC&Rs, maintenance liens, notice of foreclosures, restrictions on commercial solicitation, and more as it affects common interest developments.
Laurie Poole from Peters & Friedman, LLP discusses solar panel installation regulations for multi-unit housing.
She explains what new legislation means for multi-unit housing developments regarding equipment installation for solar energy.
Luis Ventura from Kriger Law Firm joins CBM for an HOA law Q&A session of Facebook Live!
We dedicated this episode to our communities and expanded our segment to include an open Q&A session for our viewers.
Sue Loftin from The Loftin Firm discusses management structures and laws that apply to mobile home/manufactured housing community ownership.
Loftin simplifies the complex management structures into three types: rental/investor-owned, 3rd party-owned, and resident-owned.
Mike Regan from Pacific Green Landscape discusses factors in landscape and irrigation planning for property managers in Southern California to consider.
Mike provides solutions for association managers to create landscape and irrigation systems that are water-wise, energy efficient, and overall eco-friendly to address how to maximize water saving and minimize water expenditure.
Joel Kriger, the founder of Kriger Law Firm, discusses vendor contract issues for HOAs and what HOAs should do to protect themselves.
Kriger outlines what to look for before you enter into a contract with an outside vendor, including licenses, insurance, and your homeowner assocation’s (HOA’s) governing documents.
Mike Uhrhamer from Helix Water District discusses why we cannot declare California over, despite water levels being returned to high.
He defines what a drought entails, the new legislation and bills revolving around the recent drought in California, and which bills negatively affect association managers.
Bradley Schuber from the Kriger Law Firm discusses California’s new Solar Rights Act on this episode of our Facebook Live.
With the growing popularity of solar energy, California has passed the CA Solar Rights act, Bradley Schuber outlines what that means for installation restrictions in common-interest developments and what the exceptions are.
Jon Epsten of Epsten Grinnell & Howell, APC Law Firm discusses the hot topics in new property laws.
He updates us on new laws affecting maintenance & repairs of exclusive use common areas, pesticide use, annual disclosures, gated communities, transient occupancy and insurance certifications.
Laurie Poole from Peters & Freedman, LLC discusses short-term rental restrictions for homeowner associations (HOAs) on this episode of CBM’s Facebook Live.
She outlines adjusting CC&Rs and how the rules and regulations can support the association manager’s efforts in regulating and monitoring this issue.
Patrick Crais from Blue Watchdog discusses water conservation and sustainability with CBM in October 2016’s episode of Facebook Live.
He shares 3 tips for association managers to cut costs and more efficiently maintain water systems on their managed properties.